How to contribute to the Eclipse IDE from a model

2019-08-04 07:38发布


I need to contribute a part (with a command and handler) to the eclipse IDE.

I'm using Eclipse RCP and RAP developers (Mars 4.5) and I don't know how to program my handler so my part goes to the editor of the eclipse ide.

My part contributor is something like this:

public class Menu extends ViewPart {

public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

    Label lblService = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
    lblService.setBounds(67, 49, 40, 15);

    Combo combo = new Combo(parent, SWT.NONE);
    combo.setBounds(112, 45, 213, 23);

    Label lblOperacion = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
    lblOperacion.setBounds(51, 97, 56, 15);

    Combo combo_1 = new Combo(parent, SWT.NONE);
    combo_1.setBounds(112, 93, 214, 23);

    Label lblRequest = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
    lblRequest.setBounds(62, 145, 45, 15);

    Combo combo_2 = new Combo(parent, SWT.NONE);
    combo_2.setBounds(112, 141, 213, 23);

    Button btnCommandButton = new Button(parent, SWT.NONE);
    btnCommandButton.setBounds(223, 189, 108, 25);
    btnCommandButton.setText("Command Button");     

public void setFocus() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


I already know how to contribute to another aplication but not to the eclipse ide. If someone could help me or give me some ideas, maybe a web page with tutorial of this or something...

EDIT: ok, i found someone who ask almost the same question here:How to contribute a new view in eclipse 4.2?

No one give a solution beacuse of the bug, but now the bug its fixed in 4.5.

My plugin.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

My fragment.e4xmi:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
    <fragment:ModelFragments xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:commands="" xmlns:fragment="" xmlns:menu="" xmi:id="_HszDYEDxEeWo0NbVsB9ULA">
  <fragments xsi:type="fragment:StringModelFragment" xmi:id="_PCMHIEDyEeWo0NbVsB9ULA" featurename="children" parentElementId="" positionInList="first">
    <elements xsi:type="menu:Menu" xmi:id="_H5DcEEEEEeWo0NbVsB9ULA" elementId="" label="MenuContributor" iconURI="platform:/plugin/">
      <children xsi:type="menu:HandledMenuItem" xmi:id="_LkmgwEEEEeWo0NbVsB9ULA" elementId="" label="View" command="_XWhHQEESEeWsyKfsIG3sSg"/>
  <fragments xsi:type="fragment:StringModelFragment" xmi:id="_NWq7UEEEEeWo0NbVsB9ULA" featurename="handlers" parentElementId="org.eclipse.e4.legacy.ide.application" positionInList="">
    <elements xsi:type="commands:Handler" xmi:id="_Jgr_4EESEeWsyKfsIG3sSg" elementId="" contributionURI="bundleclass://" command="_XWhHQEESEeWsyKfsIG3sSg"/>
  <fragments xsi:type="fragment:StringModelFragment" xmi:id="_VIr9wEESEeWsyKfsIG3sSg" featurename="coomand" parentElementId="org.eclipse.e4.legacy.ide.application">
    <elements xsi:type="commands:Command" xmi:id="_XWhHQEESEeWsyKfsIG3sSg" elementId="" commandName="tester"/>

EDIT2: Ok, i found exactly what i need to do, it was in front of my eyes the whole time. If someone come here for the same thing can go to