I've been doing a spike on Rails 3 and Mongoid and with the pleasant memories of the auto scaffolding in Grails I started to look for a DRY view for ruby when I found:
I created a simple class
class Capture
include Mongoid::Document
field :species, :type => String
field :captured_by, :type => String
field :weight, :type => Integer
field :length, :type => Integer
def label
"#{name} #{title}"
def self.column_names
['species', 'captured_by', 'weight', 'length']
But since dry_crud depends on self.column_names and the class above doesn't inherit from ActiveRecord::Base I have to create my own implementation for column_names like the one above. I would like to know if it possible to create a default implementation returning all of the fields above, instead of the hard coded list?
Short of injecting a new method in Mongoid::Document you can do this in your model.
self.fields.collect { |field| field[0] }
Update : Uhm better yet, if you fell adventurous.
In the model folder make a new file and name it model.rb
class Model
include Mongoid::Document
def self.column_names
self.fields.collect { |field| field[0] }
Now your model can inherit from that class instead of include Mongoid::Document. capture.rb will look like this
class Capture < Model
field :species, :type => String
field :captured_by, :type => String
field :weight, :type => Integer
field :length, :type => Integer
def label
"#{name} #{title}"
Now you can use this natively for any model.
Why would you go through the trouble of doing all that when there's an in-built method?
For Mongoid:
# => ["_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "species", "captured_by", "weight", "length"]