I'm trying to have my own font in a listview using Java in Android OS 2.3.x
After reading the following links, i'm stuck:
http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4576441/custom-font-in-android-listview http://androidforums.com/android-lounge/143874-custom-typface-listview-row-layout.html
i can't post something usefull here.
My main problems are:
- Why can't i change the Font for a listview, using setTypeface?
- Why can't i define a Font for ALL texts in my application without putting it in every activity again?
- Is there a documentation, which handles this problems? The Android SDK documentation is lacking a huge amount of details, like at which version otf Fonts are working.
I know that i have to learn many things and i'm ready as much books about this topics as i can. But after two days guessing and trying around, i have to ask for help.
Propably someone can push me in the right direction ;)
To give you a small idea, i tried to clean up some code:
File: res/layout/scores.xml (snippet from it)
android:transcriptMode="disabled" >
File: src/notneededasinfo/ScoresActivity.java (snippet from it)
Resources myResources = getResources();
Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(myResources.getAssets(),"fonts/searstower.ttf");
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(android.R.id.list);
Thx for help!