I have a fact and dim table
create table #fact (SKey int, HT varchar(5), TitleId int)
insert into #fact values
(201707, 'HFI', 1),
(201707, 'HFI', 3),
(201707, 'HFI', 5),
(201707, 'HFI', 6),
(201707, 'REO', 1),
(201707, 'REO', 2),
(201707, 'REO', 4),
(201707, 'REO', 5)
create table #dim (TitleId int, Title varchar(10))
insert into #dim values
(1, 'UK'),
(2, 'AF'),
(3, 'LQ'),
(4, 'AL'),
(5, 'GT'),
(6, 'ML')
using below query
select #fact.SKey, #fact.HT, #fact.TitleId, #dim.Title
from #fact
inner join #dim on #dim.TitleId = #fact.TitleId
order by #fact.SKey, #fact.HT, #fact.TitleId, #dim.Title
which returns me following data
SKey HT TitleId Title
-------- ----- --------- -------
201707 HFI 1 UK
201707 HFI 3 LQ
201707 HFI 5 GT
201707 HFI 6 ML
201707 REO 1 UK
201707 REO 2 AF
201707 REO 4 AL
201707 REO 5 GT
You see there are missing Titles in the result. for example, I don't have 'AF' and 'AL' for the first set ('HFI' set) and don't have 'LQ' and 'ML' for 'REO' part.
In summary I'm going to generate below result
SKey HT TitleId Title
-------- ----- --------- -------
201707 HFI 1 UK
201707 HFI 2 AF -- missing from first result
201707 HFI 3 LQ
201707 HFI 4 AL -- missing from first result
201707 HFI 5 GT
201707 HFI 6 ML
201707 REO 1 UK
201707 REO 2 AF
201707 REO 3 LQ -- missing from first result
201707 REO 4 AL
201707 REO 5 GT
201707 REO 6 ML -- missing from first result
currently I'm store the first result into a temp table and then use a loop/cursor to add missing rows into int.
Is there any way we use just one query to get the final result?