I'm trying to set value of kendo combobox dynamically, but when trying like:
var lvl1 = $("#level1Id").data("kendoComboBox");
var lvl2 = $("#level2Id").data("kendoComboBox");
var l2value = lvl2.value(); // save value for later use
... // do something that includes changing lvl2.value
lvl2.value(l2value.toString()); // set lvl2.value back to previous
the combobox value sets to "Code" field - for example - 2, instead of "Value/Text" field - "corresponding value of l2value code". I understand, that value(x) takes string parameter, so I've tried different conversion methods (int->string), but no luck. Am I missing something here? Setting this combobox value dynamically is essential for me, so any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: I'm changing the combobox filter just before setting value the second time. Could that be the reason here?