What would be the best way to retrieve the Username entered on a login form in dart polymer to be read in the next page to which it is redirected?
The login component is as below -
class LoginFormComponent extends FormElement with Polymer, Observable {
LoginFormComponent.created() : super.created();
@observable String username = "";
@observable String password = "";
@observable Map loginData = toObservable({
'username' : '',
'password' : ''
@observable String serverResponse = '';
HttpRequest request;
void submitForm(Event e, var detail, Node target) {
e.preventDefault(); // Don't do the default submit.
request = new HttpRequest();
// POST the data to the server.
var url = '';
request.open("POST", url);
void onData(_) {
if (request.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE &&
request.status == 200) {
// Data saved OK.
serverResponse = 'Server Sez: ' + request.responseText;
Map parsedMap = JSON.decode(request.responseText);
var currentTicket = new Ticket(parsedMap["data"]["ticket"]);
//keeps the back history button active
//doesn't keep the back history button active
//doesn't put the originating page in the session history
} else if (request.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE &&
request.status == 0) {
// Status is 0...most likely the server isn't running.
serverResponse = 'No server';
String _loginDataAsJsonData(){
return JSON.encode(loginData);
I need to have access to that loginData['username'] & parsedMap["data"]["ticket"] to be available in the page dashboard.html.