I'm using CodeIgniter to build a website, and I want to show a list of construction projects from a database table, which we will simply call project_table
. For each project I also have an address, stored in another table, address_table
, each address has a project_id
, which links it to a project.
I have made a function, get_projects, in my projects model, which is used to get the project information and pass it to the project view, like such:
public function index() {
$data['projects'] = $this->project_model->get_projects();
$data['title'] = 'Ejendomme';
$this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
$this->load->view('projects/index', $data);
My question is how I get the addresses read, linked to the correct projects, and shown. I suppose I could make a function which is called from the view, which loads the address based on project_id
, but as I understand it, this is really bad practice. Is there a way to call a get_address
function from the controller, and pass it on to the view, without losing track of which address belongs to which project?
Per request here is the function get_project()
, which gets the project information from the database. I have considered calling a get_address()
function inside this, but I am not sure how I would return the addresses from the function.
// Function to read all projects from database
public function get_projects() {
$query = $this->db->get('project_table');
return $query->result_array();
Was more useful if you've posted the get_projects method from models. Anyway, the trick is to make use of Model-View-Controller(MVC) architecture, therefore you put into the model the selection from database.
Here is an example with a method to extract your data from those two tables:
public function get_projects()
//for standard mySQL
//select only the db fields that you need
$query = "SELECT pt.*, at.* FROM project_table as pt, address_table as at WHERE pt.project_id = at.project_id";
$db_result = $this->db->query($query);
$result_object = $db_result->result();
here you can add a check for the result (for instance to check if the return is not empty)
return $result_object;
Now parse the result to a view and play from there with the data.
Joining the ideas in the previous answers, you could use the query builder (using CI 3 name) to join the two tables and return all the information you need from that method in the model:
public function get_projects() {
$this->db->join('adress_table', 'adress_table.project_id', 'project_table.id');
return $this->db->get()->result_array();
You can learn more about the QueryBuilder Class at the documentation.
Ideally you want to keep all your database queries in the model. You can call other functions in your model by using $this->function_name().
I believe this will achieve what you are after (these go in your model):
// Function to read all projects from database
public function get_projects() {
$results = $this->db->get('ed_projects')->result();
foreach($results as $r) {
$r->address = $this->get_address($r->id);
return $results;
// Function to read addresses for a $project_id
private function get_address($project_id) {
return $this->db->from('project_address_table')
->where('project_id', $project_id)
I would also recommend using the codeigniter active record class (http://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/active_record.html) for doing easy database queries like this as it makes it a lot easier to see what your query is doing