I wish to deconstruct a wave file into small chunks, reassemble it in a different order and then write it to disk. I seem to have problems with writing it after reassembling the pieces so for now I just try to debug this section and worry about the rest later. Basically I read the original wav into a 2D numpy array, break it into 100 piece stored within a list of smaller 2D numpy arrays, and then stack these arrays vertically using vstack:
import scipy.io.wavfile as sciwav
import numpy
[sr,stereo_data] = sciwav.read('filename')
nparts = 100
stereo_parts = list()
part_length = len(stereo_data) / nparts
for i in range(nparts):
start = i*part_length
end = (i+1)*part_length
new_data = numpy.array([0,0])
for i in range(nparts):
new_data = numpy.vstack([new_data, stereo_parts[i]])
sciwav.write('new_filename', sr, new_data)
So far I verified that new_data looks similar to stereo_data with two exceptions: 1. it has [0,0] padded at the beginning. 2. It is 88 samples shorter because len(stereo_data)/nparts does not divide without remainder.
When I try to listen to the resulting new_data eave file all I hear is silence, which I think does not make much sense.
Thanks for the help! omer