I need to make computations in the highest possible precision, regardless if the arguments passed are integers, floats or whatever numbers. One way I can think of this is:
import numpy as np
def foo(x, y, z)
a = (np.float64)0
a = x + y * z
I can see a couple of problems with this: 1) I think I need to convert the inputs, not the result for this to work 2)looks ugly (the first operation is a superfluous C-style declaration).
How can I pythonically perform all calculations in the highest available precision, and then store the results in the highest available precision (which is IMO numpy.float64)?
To me the obvious answer is Decimal, unless the function needs to be very fast.
import decimal
# set the precision to double that of float64.. or whatever you want.
def foo(x, y, z)
x,y,z = [decimal.Decimal(v) for v in (x,y,z)]
a = x + y * z
return a # you forgot this line in the original code.
If you want a conventional 64bit float, you can just convert the return value to that:
return float(a)
You can declare variable but You can try to force it to be expected type
import numpy as np
def foo(*args):
x, y, z = map(np.longdouble, args)
return x + y * z
foo(0.000001,0.000001, 0.00000000001)