I try to serialize a class, say B (in file b.h), which is derived from another one, say A (in file a.h). Both classes have private members and I want to serialize both with the boost serialization library non-intrusively. The serialization/deserialization of A does work so far. For the same for the derived class one would use
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<base_class>(*this);
when the intrusive method is used, but where to put it in the non-intrusive case (save/load/serialize or all three?)? And what object has to been used in place of the this pointer?
In the productive code I have derived class a bit more complicated than B. There I got a compiler error which I wasn't able to reproduce in this small example. The compiler message (MSVC 2015, C2665, translated in English):
'boost::serialization::save' : none of the number1 overloads can convert parameter number2 from type 'type'
The Error in German:
Fehler C2665 "boost::serialization::save": Durch keine der 3 Überladungen konnten alle Argumenttypen konvertiert werden. CalorCLI c:\boost_1_61_0\boost\serialization\split_free.hpp 45
Could anyone help?
The Code of a.h :
#pragma once
class A {
int elemA;
A() = default;
A(int elem) : elemA(elem) {};
virtual ~A() = default;
int getElemA() const { return elemA; }
void setElemA(int elem) {
elemA = elem;
The code of b.h :
#pragma once
#include "a.h"
class B : public A {
int elemB;
B() = default;
B(int elem) : elemB(elem) {};
virtual ~B() = default;
int getElemB() const { return elemB; }
void setElemB(int elem) { elemB = elem; }
The Code of the main program:
// TestSerialization.cpp : Definiert den Einstiegspunkt für die Konsolenanwendung.
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include "b.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
namespace boost {
namespace serialization {
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const A & pA, const unsigned int version)
ar & pA.getElemA();
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, A & pA, const unsigned int version)
int n;
ar & n;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, A & pA, const unsigned int version)
boost::serialization::split_free(ar, pA, version);
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const B & pB, const unsigned int version)
ar & pB.getElemB();
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, B & pB, const unsigned int version)
int n;
ar & n;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, B & pB, const unsigned int version)
boost::serialization::split_free(ar, pB, version);
int main()
A *objA= new A(747);
std::ofstream ofs("SavedA");
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
oa << objA;
A *objA1 = new A();
std::ifstream ifs("SavedA");
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
ia >> objA1;
B *objB = new B(747);
std::ofstream ofs("SavedB");
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
oa << objB;
B *objB1 = new B();
std::ifstream ifs("SavedB");
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
ia >> objB1;
return 0;