This is my very first attempt at generating images on the fly.
I want to display around 500 small -- say, 32px X 24px -- 16-color images, each in a table cell. Each image (as I see it now) is a 2D array of colored pixels, each representing a value furnished by C-language CGI.
The finished, displayed image is a prmitive candlestick graph, each candle one pixel wide, something like:
All of the ~500 images want to be available for redisplay every 10 seconds, although:
- only around 30 of these guys show up in the viewport at any instant; and
- the images change only every ~10 minutes.
I can generate the images on any combination of the server and the client. But I need a general strategy to get me started.
What's the lightest-weight (no huge JS lib, I hope), quickest (implementation), fastest (execution), and cheapest (client-side RAM) to get these images displayed?