I seem to be gnawing at this issue, and although I can see how it should work, I can't seem to see the wood for the trees..
Basically I have a situation where I have a SQL 2008 stored procedure.. very basic.. simple varchar's and int's etc. Because I am getting the value/pair data from javascript, of course I don't implicitly know the DbType to set.. I know this sounds a bit off perhaps, and I could technically add some sort of tag to the fieldname to indicate the actual type.
So right now I am trying to do the following:
(I am using the Enterprise Library Data Access Block, but db is the database object/connection object) - also the val/pairs are from a hashtable..
IDictionaryEnumerator de;
de = PDMdata.GetEnumerator();
while (de.MoveNext())
DbType ptype = cmd.Parameters[de.Key.ToString()].DbType;
db.AddInParameter(cmd, de.Key.ToString(), ptype, (ptype)de.Value.ToString());
For reference, the db.AddInParameter takes the Command object, param name, param type and param value..
As you can see I am trying to cast the value as correct SQL DbType.. but of course it is trying to use the normal C# Type..
Any ideas of converting the value to the dynamic SQL DbType??
Thanks in advance for your help..