I don't see anything in the official documentation of Kendo UI. Just checking if somebody has done customization to merge the cells in Kendo UI Grid.
I have content like this:
Technology Core Language & Communication 15
Technology Mathematics & Application 20
Technology Science Application & Understanding 30
Communication Using language to reason, interpret & analyse 40
Communication Using visualization for design/creating 40
I need to get the following output:
Technology Core Language & Communication 15
Mathematics & Application 20
Science Application & Understanding 30
Communication Using language to reason, interpret & analyse 40
Using visualization for design/creating 40
Not sure how will it be done by using template.
Merging cells in Kendo UI grid is not supported.
so finally i had decided to merge cells after the rendering of kendo ui grid, so i used javascript to merge cells in DataBound event of kendo ui Grid.
function mergeGridRows(gridId, colTitle) {
$('#' + gridId + '>.k-grid-content>table').each(function (index, item) {
var dimension_col = 1;
// First, scan first row of headers for the "Dimensions" column.
$('#' + gridId + '>.k-grid-header>.k-grid-header-wrap>table').find('th').each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == colTitle) {
// first_instance holds the first instance of identical td
var first_instance = null;
$(item).find('tr').each(function () {
// find the td of the correct column (determined by the colTitle)
var dimension_td = $(this).find('td:nth-child(' + dimension_col + ')');
if (first_instance == null) {
first_instance = dimension_td;
} else if (dimension_td.text() == first_instance.text()) {
// if current td is identical to the previous
// then remove the current td
// increment the rowspan attribute of the first instance
first_instance.attr('rowspan', typeof first_instance.attr('rowspan') == "undefined" ? 2 : first_instance.attr('rowspan') + 1);
} else {
// this cell is different from the last
first_instance = dimension_td;
More Details
I'm extending the above code which handles all scenario's.
function MergeGridRows(gridId, colTitle) {
$('#' + gridId + '>.k-grid-content>table').each(function (index, item) {
var dimension_col = 1;
// First, scan first row of headers for the "Dimensions" column.
$('#' + gridId + '>.k-grid-header>.k-grid-header-wrap>table').find('th').each(function () {
var _this = $(this);
if (_this.text() == colTitle) {
var bgColor = _this.css('background-color');
var foreColor = _this.css('color');
var rightBorderColor = _this.css('border-right-color');
// first_instance holds the first instance of identical td
var first_instance = null;
var cellText = '';
var arrCells = [];
$(item).find('tr').each(function () {
// find the td of the correct column (determined by the colTitle)
var dimension_td = $(this).find('td:nth-child(' + dimension_col + ')');
if (first_instance == null) {
first_instance = dimension_td;
cellText = first_instance.text();
} else if (dimension_td.text() == cellText) {
// if current td is identical to the previous
dimension_td.css('border-top', '0px');
} else {
// this cell is different from the last
arrCells = ChangeMergedCells(arrCells, cellText, true);
//first_instance = dimension_td;
cellText = dimension_td.text();
dimension_td.css('background-color', 'white').css('color', 'black').css('border-bottom-color', 'transparent');
arrCells = ChangeMergedCells(arrCells, cellText, true);
function ChangeMergedCells(arrCells, cellText, addBorderToCell) {
var cellsCount = arrCells.length;
if (cellsCount > 1) {
var index = parseInt(cellsCount / 2);
var cell = null;
if (cellsCount % 2 == 0) { // even number
cell = arrCells[index - 1];
arrCells[index - 1].css('vertical-align', 'bottom');
else { // odd number
cell = arrCells[index];
if (addBorderToCell) {
arrCells[cellsCount - 1].css('border-bottom', 'solid 1px #ddd');
arrCells = []; // clear array for next item
if (cellsCount == 1) {
cell = arrCells[0];
arrCells[0].css('border-bottom', 'solid 1px #ddd');
arrCells = [];
return arrCells;