This question already has an answer here:
- How to avoid duplicate columns after join? 6 answers
I have a dataframe named "A" with 300+ columns in it and i am trying to join the dataframe named "A" with its incremental data "B" with same schema as "A".
After joining the dataframes, i am getting duplicate columns. That i was avoiding by using co
val toPrint = udf((value1: String, value2: String) => if(value1 != null) {value1} else value2)
val dfClean = df1.join(df2, df1("PERIOD_TAG") === df2("PERIOD_TAG"), "fullouter").select(toPrint(df1("PERIOD_SHORT_DESCRIPTION"),df2("PERIOD_SHORT_DESCRIPTION")).alias("PERIOD_SHORT_DESCRIPTION"),toPrint(df1("PERIOD_TAG"),df2("PERIOD_TAG")).alias("PERIOD_TAG")) on for all the columns
I am calling a UDF to select the most updated value(from incremental file) among the duplicate columns. The incremental data will have few updated data which i need to add along with all new data in incremantal dataframe and also old data of dataframe "B".
Is there any another way to avoid selecting columns individually and use a for loop for it. Or is there any way that after joining, i get the new/updated value of my incremental df and old values of dataframe "B" which are not present in dataframe "A".