
Bintray and JCenter not in Sync

2019-08-03 18:48发布


after seeing this issue and the way it was solved JCenter and Bintray not in Sync I'm wondering if this is a general or specific problem. I'm having the same issue, I published version 1.2.0 and synced OK, but then I published 1.2.1 and it never made it to JCenter.

I did update the groupId in between releases, may that be related?





We have relinked your package according to the new GroupID. This is indeed similar to the scenario described in the linked mentioned by you:

The package was included to JCenter under a particular GroupID and changing that, would need a path prefix change for the inclusion path.

Usually, when a change for the for GroupID of a JCenter linked package is needed, one should create a new package with the updated path in order to preserve consistency of other users depending on the already included artifacts.