I wrote an algorithm and tried to implement it in Prolog, but what I found out is that the parenthesis do not work as expected: what is written in is not all done before exiting the parenthesis. Here is the code:
%1. If the first member of L1 is smaller than L2
% A. If the first member of L1 is not equal to Last
% Than: A.1 Add the first member of L1 to the first member of NL
% Begin recurssion on the resumption of L1, L2 resumption of NL
% and Last from L1.
% Else: A.2 begin the recursion on resumption of L1, L2 with the
% first member and L3 with the first member.
% 2. If the first member in L1 is equal to the first member of L2,
% Than: Start recursion on resumption of L1 and L2 (with its first
% member) and Last = *.
% 3. If the first member of L1 is bigger than the first membber of L2
% Than: begin recursion on L1 with the first member, resumption of
% L2 and Last = x. %(x != * only for debugging)
make_list([X1|L1], [X2|L2], [X3|NewL], Last) :-
X1 < X2,
X1 \= Last, %A
make_list(L1, [X2|L2], NewL, X1) %B
), %Why those parenthesis do not work as expected?
! %green cut
make_list(L1, [X2|L2], [X3|NewL], *)
make_list([X1|L1], L2, [X3|NewL], *).
My question is how to make it work as expected and why does B
not work once A
is done? After all it is also in the same parenthesis, e.g.:
?- make_list([6,6,10,20],[10,25,30],L, -).
L = [6|_G849] % (should be [6,20]).
EDIT1: make_list should find all members in L1
that are not in L2
and put them in NewL, while Last
stores the last member in L1
that was parsed.
EDIT2: no -> are allowed (this is howmework). If someone could show me how to express if then else in prolog, that could be great.