I have a Swift noobie question on class method calls. I'm building a simple learning app for my kids using Sprite Kit. I have a global variable scoreCount defined in GameScene, where I pretty much do all my game logic such as detect correct answer and increment scoreCount. I also have GameOverScene. On both I show the Score -label. I'm keeping count of scores with the scoreCount-parameter (in GameScene). However as I'm quite new to Swift and Sprite Kit, I'm wondering how should I update the score label in GameViewController? So basically I would like to call GameViewController.updateLabels() from GameScene.
I know this isn't the ideal way but please share your solution concept on this. Thanks!
In your GameViewController you have to transform your func in class func like this
class func yourFunc {
//your code
To call it from your GameScene just this code :
Don't forget you are creating a global function so all variables in it have to be global too.
For you label (global):
var label:UILabel = UILabel()
in Your GameViewController:
class GameViewController : UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
label.text = "bonjour" // to set the text
label.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) / set the position AND size CGRectMake (x, y, width, heigth)
label.textColor = UIColor.redColor() // set your color
label.center = CGPointMake(self.view.frame.width/2, self.view.frame.height/2) // set the position from x=0 and y=0
self.view.addSubview(label) // add the label to your screen
I hope it will help you.