
Hide Add button From Grid

2019-08-03 16:07发布


I would like to completely hide the Add button in a grid (using Acumatica Framework). I know how to disable it using AllowInsert false, but I would like to hide it completely? Is that possible please?


Let's assume that for some reasons you want to hide Add button from Sales Order Details Grid. For achieving this you should do the following:
1. Add Sales Orders screeen to Customization's Screens. You can do it by clicking Add Screen -> Customize Existing Screen and selecting Sales Orders screen in the appeared Smart Panel.
2. Now you should go to the Tab->Document Details->Grid:Transactions and select Properties in the panel on the Right open Action Bar -> Actions-> Add New and set Enabled to false.

Now publish your customization. As a result you will get the following:

标签: acumatica