Xpath find files for windows? xml parser to find f

2019-08-03 16:06发布


So we have 1500 xhtml pages in lets say 100 subfolders of /myfolder. I want to find evil constellations of


In my current case, it is only allowed to have


and not 2 evil Tags within a good Tag. This is just an example though. Sometimes I must search for something like

<someTag someAttribute="iDoEvil" />

I've been browsing for a while now and could not find a tool which would help me to do so. What free ware / open source solutions are availble in windows?

What are the xhtml files like? basically they are web pages created for JSF. We use our own tags and keep doing changes to them and thus, have to keep a good eye on bad constellation who haven't been thought of

I'm basically asking because I finally ended up doing it with regex, which makes people around here going nuts.


This is a bash solution:

  • find all xml files in current directory
  • list all xml files which contain <someTag someAttribute="iDoEvil" />

for i in `find . -name '*.xml'`
    if xmlstarlet sel -H -t -m '//someTag[@someAttribute="iDoEvil"]' -v @someAttribute "$i" >/dev/null
        echo "$i"

Note: I haven't try to write a DOS script in Windows, but the idea is the same.
You can download xmlstarlet(windows version) here.


If you're willing to write your own Java program, you could use a combination of apache commons IO and jOOX:

// Use apache commons to recurse into your file structure:
for (File file : FileUtils.listFiles(yourDir, new String[] { ".xml" }, true)) {

    // Use jOOX to parse the file and match the "bad" combination with XPath:
    if ($(file).xpath("//goodTag[count(.//evilTag) > 1]").size() > 0) {
        System.out.println("Match : " + file);

Note, if you're not up for writing your own program, maybe SuperUser might be a better site for this question...