when i use boost::archive::binary_iarchive , the error occur :invalid signature when i want to compile the program--cvpr_2012_ffd.you can get it from http://blog.gimiatlicho.webfactional.com/?page_id=38. I compile the program according to it's README. when I run this program that I encounter some error.the error is this
l00138375@l00138375:/home/hm/downloads/cvpr_2012_public$ ./FaceForest 1 data/config_ffd.txt data/config_headpose.txt data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
Image pathdata/index_random_subset.txt
paths to treesdata/trees_ffd/
Image path
paths to treesdata/trees_headpose/tree_
10 to load.
Archive Exception during deserializing:
invalid signature
it was tree: data/trees_headpose/tree_000.txt
segment fault
I find this error appear in the file:tree.hpp the code like this
224 //check if file exist
225 std::ifstream ifs(path.c_str());
226 if (!ifs) {
227 std::cout << "Tree not found " << path << std::endl;
228 return false;
229 }
231 //load tree
232 try {
233 // boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs);
234 boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs);
235 ia >> *t;
236 } catch (boost::archive::archive_exception& ex) {
237 std::cout << "Archive Exception during deserializing:" << std::endl;
238 std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
239 std::cout << "it was tree: " << path << std::endl;
240 } catch (int e) {
241 std::cout << path << "EXCEPTION " << e << std::endl;
243 }
the error occur in the line:234
Do somebody encounter this error?how to solve this problem ?thanks