I've in my Java EE project this NativeQuery for MySQL:
ROUND((price_2-price_1)*100/price_1,2) AS varprice_1,
ROUND((quantity_2-quantity_1)*100/quantity_1,2) AS varcant_1,
ROUND((price_3-price_2)*100/price_2,2) AS varprice_2,
ROUND((quantity_3-quantity_2)*100/quantity_2,2) AS varcant_2,
c.id_customer AS id_customer,
c.name AS customer,
r.id_rep AS id_rep,
r.descr AS rep,
a.id_article AS id_article,
a.name AS article,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_1,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_1,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_2,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_2,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2011-12-30',quantity ,0)),2) AS quantity_3,
ROUND(SUM(if(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2011-12-30',net_price,0)),2) AS price_3,
FROM documento d
RIGHT JOIN pedido_cabezal pc ON d.id_documento = pc.id_documento
LEFT JOIN pedido_linea pl ON pc.id_documento = pl.id_documento
LEFT JOIN article a ON pl.id_article = a.id_article
LEFT JOIN customer c ON pc.id_customer=c.id_customer
LEFT JOIN rep r ON c.id_rep=r.id_rep
(docdate BETWEEN '2013-06-30' AND '2013-12-30') OR
(docdate BETWEEN '2012-06-30' AND '2012-12-30') OR
(docdate BETWEEN '2011-06-30' AND '2012-12-30')
GROUP BY a.id_article
) subq
this is a dinamically generated query, depending on user input. I don't like using native queries so I'm using it for now and I'm planning to change it with a criteria query, but I need help: I cannot figure out how this kind of queries can be substituted by a criteria query. Is there a way or it's ok to use native queries in cases like this and I should stop worrying about it?
Thank you