a simple question: can I set the limit for an input through an input box in vb?
When the user inserts a string larger than the database corresponding field, that's a problem obviously.
Like the textBoxes have a MaxLength, is there a way to set a similar restriction to an inputBox?
Little easier than creating a custom class...
Instead why not create a temporary string variable and assign it by your input box. . .
then check the count in a do until loop...
Dim str As String = InputBox("Name", [Title]:="name", [XPos]:=50, [YPos]:=50)
Do Until str.Count() > 0 And str.Count() < 8
MessageBox.Show("I am sorry but you need to input between 1 and 7 characters")
str = InputBox("Name", [Title]:="name", [XPos]:=50, [YPos]:=50)