从在矩阵中的每一列获得敏最快的方法?(fastest way to get Min from eve

2019-08-03 10:57发布





  matrix.inputs <- list(
        "Square Matrix"     = matrix(sample(seq(1e6), 4^2*1e4, T), ncol=400),   #  400 x  400
        "Tall Matrix"       = matrix(sample(seq(1e6), 4^2*1e4, T), nrow=4000),  # 4000 x   40
        "Wide-short Matrix" = matrix(sample(seq(1e6), 4^2*1e4, T), ncol=4000),  #   40 x 4000
        "Wide-tall Matrix"  = matrix(sample(seq(1e6), 4^2*1e5, T), ncol=4000),   #  400 x 4000
        "Tiny Sq Matrix"    = matrix(sample(seq(1e6), 4^2*1e2, T), ncol=40)     #   40 x   40

Answer 1:

这里是一个是方形,宽矩阵更快。 它采用pmin对矩阵的行。 (如果你知道矩阵分割到行的一个更快的方法,请随时编辑)

do.call(pmin, lapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i)mat[i,]))


$`Square Matrix`
          test elapsed relative
3 pmin.on.rows   1.370    1.000
1          apl   1.455    1.062
2         cmin   2.075    1.515

$`Wide Matrix`
      test elapsed relative
3 pmin.on.rows   0.926    1.000
2         cmin   2.302    2.486
1          apl   5.058    5.462

$`Tall Matrix`
          test elapsed relative
1          apl   1.175    1.000
2         cmin   2.126    1.809
3 pmin.on.rows   5.813    4.947

Answer 2:




奇怪的是,对于一个例子,我试过colMins 较慢 。 也许有人能指出有什么好笑的我的例子吗?

set.seed(101); z <- matrix(runif(1e6),nrow=1000)
##               test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
## 2 apply(z, 2, min)          100  14.290     1.00     7.216    7.057
## 1       colMins(z)          100  25.585     1.79    15.509    9.852

Answer 3:


colMins()等。 在最近的版本均显著更快做出matrixStats 。 下面是使用matrixStats 0.12.2显示,它(“Cmin的”)比第二快的方法快〜5-20次更新的基准总结:

$`Square Matrix`
     test elapsed relative
2    cmin   0.216    1.000
1     apl   4.200   19.444
5 pmn.int   4.604   21.315
4     pmn   5.136   23.778
3    lapl  12.546   58.083

$`Tall Matrix`
     test elapsed relative
2    cmin   0.262    1.000
1     apl   3.006   11.473
5 pmn.int  18.605   71.011
3    lapl  22.798   87.015
4     pmn  27.583  105.279

$`Wide-short Matrix`
     test elapsed relative
2    cmin   0.346    1.000
5 pmn.int   3.766   10.884
4     pmn   3.955   11.431
3    lapl  13.393   38.708
1     apl  19.187   55.454

$`Wide-tall Matrix`
     test elapsed relative
2    cmin   5.591    1.000
5 pmn.int  39.466    7.059
4     pmn  40.265    7.202
1     apl  67.151   12.011
3    lapl 158.035   28.266

$`Tiny Sq Matrix`
     test elapsed relative
2    cmin   0.011    1.000
5 pmn.int   0.135   12.273
4     pmn   0.178   16.182
1     apl   0.202   18.364
3    lapl   0.269   24.455

仅供参考,因为matrixStats v0.8.7(2013年7月28日), colMins()是大约两倍的速度是以前。 其原因是,该功能先前利用colRanges()这解释了这里报告的“令人惊讶的慢”的结果。 相同的速度被视作colMaxs() rowMins()rowMaxs()

Answer 4:

lapply( split(mat, rep(1:dim(mat)[1], each=dim(mat)[2])), min)

which( ! apply(my.mat, 2, min, na.rm=T) ==
        sapply( split(my.mat, rep(1:dim(my.mat)[1], each=dim(my.mat)[2])), min) )
# named integer(0)

Answer 5:

下面是答案的集合迄今。 随着越来越多的答案是促成这将被更新。


  library(matrixStats)  # for colMins

  list.of.tests <- list (
        ## Method 1: apply()  [original]
        apl =expression(apply(mat, 2, min, na.rm=T)),

        ## Method 2:  matrixStats::colMins [contributed by @Ben Bolker ]
        cmin = expression(colMins(mat)),

        ## Method 3: lapply() + split()  [contributed by @DWin ]
        lapl = expression(lapply( split(mat, rep(1:dim(mat)[1], each=dim(mat)[2])), min)),

        ## Method 4: pmin() / pmin.int()  [contributed by @flodel ]
        pmn = expression(do.call(pmin, lapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i)mat[i,]))),
        pmn.int = expression(do.call(pmin.int, lapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i)mat[i,]))) #,

        ## Method 5: ????
        #  e5 = expression(  ???  ),

  (times <- 
        lapply(matrix.inputs, function(mat)
            do.call(benchmark, args=c(list.of.tests, replications=500, order="relative"))[, c("test", "elapsed", "relative")]

  #$         RESULTS         $#

  # $`Square Matrix`
  #      test elapsed relative
  # 5 pmn.int   2.842    1.000
  # 4     pmn   3.622    1.274
  # 1     apl   3.670    1.291
  # 2    cmin   5.826    2.050
  # 3    lapl  41.817   14.714  

  # $`Tall Matrix`
  #      test elapsed relative
  # 1     apl   2.622    1.000
  # 2    cmin   5.561    2.121
  # 5 pmn.int  11.264    4.296
  # 4     pmn  18.142    6.919
  # 3    lapl  48.637   18.550  

  # $`Wide-short Matrix`
  #      test elapsed relative
  # 5 pmn.int   2.909    1.000
  # 4     pmn   3.018    1.037
  # 2    cmin   6.361    2.187
  # 1     apl  15.765    5.419
  # 3    lapl  41.479   14.259  

  # $`Wide-tall Matrix`
  #      test elapsed relative
  # 5 pmn.int  20.917    1.000
  # 4     pmn  26.188    1.252
  # 1     apl  38.635    1.847
  # 2    cmin  64.557    3.086
  # 3    lapl 434.761   20.785  

  # $`Tiny Sq Matrix`
  #      test elapsed relative
  # 5 pmn.int   0.112    1.000
  # 2    cmin   0.149    1.330
  # 4     pmn   0.174    1.554
  # 1     apl   0.180    1.607
  # 3    lapl   0.509    4.545

Answer 6:


文章来源: fastest way to get Min from every column in a matrix?