I would like to achieve something like this:
filteringSelect.query = {id: "12|13"};
filteringSelect.query = {id: new RegExp("12|13")};
Is it possible?
I am using ItemFileReadStore as a store for that FilteringSelect.
I would like to achieve something like this:
filteringSelect.query = {id: "12|13"};
filteringSelect.query = {id: new RegExp("12|13")};
Is it possible?
I am using ItemFileReadStore as a store for that FilteringSelect.
See Fuzzy Matches on dijit.form.ComboBox / dijit.form.FilteringSelect Subclass if you want to go the extra mile. This is however for filtering user-input.
For filtering away entries before opening/entering anything in the filteringSelect, continue what youre doing allready. A simple string will not accept the OR operator though, use RegExp
ItemFileReadStore docs on query
var store = new ItemFileReadStore( {
query: {
id: new RegExp("/^(12|13)$/")
} );
As a starting point, ALL items are present in the store, the way to make use of the queryengine is through fetch
query: {
// yes, you can set the query property directly
// in the store and leave out this parameter
id: new RegExp("^(1|12)$")
onComplete: function(items) {
dojo.forEach(items, function(item) {
console.log(store.getValue(item, 'name'))
See http://jsfiddle.net/LuUbT/ for example usage