In ES6, is there any possible to clone an iterator states?
var ma=[1,2,3,4];
var it=ma[Symbol.iterator]();;
if I want to remember here the it states how should I do in javascritp?
what is remebered in it?
since the
JSON.stringify(it) //it would just return {}
You can’t clone an arbitrary iterator, but you can create many distinct iterators from one by holding onto some state:
function tee(iterable) {
const source = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
const buffers = [[], []]; // substitute in queue type for efficiency
const DONE = Object.create(null);
const next = i => {
if (buffers[i].length !== 0) {
return buffers[i].shift();
const x =;
if (x.done) {
return DONE;
buffers[1 - i].push(x.value);
return x.value;
return* (_, i) {
for (;;) {
const x = next(i);
if (x === DONE) {
yield x;
const [a, b] = tee(iterator);
assert( ===;
It's not possible to clone an iterator. Iterator state is basically completely arbitrary and any given iterator may require or produce side effects (e.g. reading from or writing to a network stream) which are not repeatable on demand.