Is it possible to redefine the _function_used_by_exported_function
only for the exported_function
call in the second_routine
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Needed::Module qw(exported_function);
sub first_routine {
return exported_function( 2 );
no warnings 'redefine';
sub Needed::Module::_function_used_by_exported_function {
return 'B';
sub second_routine {
return exported_function( 5 );
say first_routine();
say second_routine();
You can locally redefine the sub _function_used_by_exported_function
inside your sub second_routine
package Foo;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(exported_function);
sub exported_function {
print 10 ** $_[0] + _function_used_by_exported_function();
sub _function_used_by_exported_function {
return 5;
package main;
use warnings;
use strict;
Foo->import; # "use"
sub first_routine {
return exported_function( 2 );
sub second_routine {
no warnings 'redefine';
local *Foo::_function_used_by_exported_function = sub { return 2 };
return exported_function( 5 );
say first_routine();
say second_routine();
say first_routine();
I lifted the typeglob assignment inside sub second_routine
from brian d foy's Mastering Perl, Chapter 10 on page 161. The sub is redefined by assigning to the typeglob, which only replaces the coderef part of it. I use local
to only do that inside the current block. That way, the outside world is not affected by the change, as you can see in the output.