Is there a way to convert following XML file to element-centric file? Perhaps using an online tool? Without requiring to use VB anything? I need to import this xml to Access, but unable to do so because Access requires element-centric xml.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="invoices.xsl"?>
<invoice number="25" date="February 28, 2001">
<patient firstname="Jeff" familyname="Smith" SSN="123456789">
<phone type="home" number="123-4567890"/>
<phone number="321-76543321" type="work"/>
<address type="home" line1="123 Street" city="City" state="US" zip="12345"/>
<insurance name="Humongous First Medical Insurance" plannumber="12345" planname="The Client Company">
<phone number="098-76543321"/>
<address type="business" line1="321 Street" city="City" state="US" zip="54321"/>
<procedure code="123" name="Cleaning nose" cost="50.00" insurance_estimate="50.00"/>
<procedure code="124" name="Tarot reading of illnesses" cost="150.00" insurance_estimate="120.00"/>
<procedure code="125" name="Just for fun" cost="100.00" insurance_estimate="80.00"/>
<invoice number="27" date="February 28, 2001">
<patient firstname="James" familyname="Smith" SSN="123456765">
<phone type="home" number="123-4562245"/>
<address type="home" line1="432 Street" city="City" state="US" zip="12343"/>
<insurance name="Humongous Second Medical Insurance" plannumber="3455" planname="Another Client Company">
<phone number="098-76543321"/>
<address type="business" line1="344 Street" city="Some City" state="US" zip="54323"/>
<procedure code="123" name="Cleaning nose" cost="50.00" insurance_estimate="50.00"/>
<procedure code="124" name="Tarot reading of illnesses" cost="150.00" insurance_estimate="120.00"/>
<invoice number="29" date="February 28, 2001">
<patient firstname="Neil" familyname="Smith" SSN="123456345">
<phone type="home" number="125-4345890"/>
<address type="home" line1="187 Street" city="Lost City" state="US" zip="42145"/>
<insurance name="Humongous Third Medical Insurance" plannumber="12345" planname="The Lost City Client Company">
<phone number="198-76345321"/>
<address type="business" line1="342 Street" city="Completely Lost City" state="US" zip="111111-0000"/>
<procedure code="123" name="Cleaning nose" cost="50.00" insurance_estimate="50.00"/>
<procedure code="125" name="Maybe they wouldn't see this line..." cost="100.00" insurance_estimate="80.00"/>