I am trying to use static minizip library on Windows 7 64-bit, using Visual Studio 2010.
The main goal is to archive files larger 4GB.
I build zlib using CMake 2.8, and linked in to my project.
It works for files less 4GB, but doesn't work proper for files larger 4GB.
Why I have a problem with archiving 5GB file using minizip?
Did I miss something on the build libraries stage?
Here are all my steps, library and project: https://github.com/koponomarenko/file_compression
Really need help. Thanks.
"doesn't work proper for files larger 4GB" means that my test program archives 5GB txt file without any errors during this process. I checked zipWriteInFileInZip() returns ZIP_OK for all 5,368,709,120 bytes. zipCloseFileInZip() and zipClose() don't return any errors. But in created archive (I use 7-zip) file info is:
- Uncompressed size: 4,294,967,295
- Compressed size: 8,806,676
- Attributes: empty field
- CRC: 81970625
- Method: Deflate
- Host OS: FAT
- Version: 45
And I get error message "Unsupported compression method" when try to unzip (using 7-zip) this archive.
I also zipped the same 5GB txt file with 7-zip. Here is file info from this archive:
- Uncompressed size: 5,368,709,120
- Compressed size: 9,608,471
- Attributes: A
- CRC: 81970625
- Method: Deflate
- Host OS: FAT
- Version: 45
The first 3 fields are different from my archive.
void Archive::create()
m_archiveHandle = zipOpen64(m_sName.c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);
if ( !m_archiveHandle )
throw Error("Can't create the archive. Can be already created.");
void Archive::add(string sSrcFile, string sDstFile)
//////////////////////////// create a file
zip_fileinfo zfi;
memset(&zfi, 0, sizeof(zfi));
int zip64 = 1;
int ret = zipOpenNewFileInZip64(m_archiveHandle,
NULL, 0,
NULL, 0,
"my comment for this interior file",
if ( ret != 0 )
throw Error("Can't add file to a zip archive.");
//////////////////////////// write to the file
FILE * pFile = fopen( sSrcFile.c_str(), "rb" );
if ( !pFile )
throw Error("Can't open target file.");
char * buf = new char[BUF_SIZE];
int size_read = 0;
int err;
err = ZIP_OK;
size_read = (int)fread(buf, 1, BUF_SIZE, pFile);
if (size_read < BUF_SIZE)
if ( feof(pFile) == 0 )
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
if (size_read > 0)
err = zipWriteInFileInZip (m_archiveHandle, buf, size_read);
} while ((err == ZIP_OK) && (size_read>0));
delete [] buf;
//////////////////////////// close the file
if ( zipCloseFileInZip(m_archiveHandle) != 0 )
throw Error("Can't close added file.");
void Archive::close()
if ( !m_archiveHandle )
if ( zipClose(m_archiveHandle, "my comment for exterior file") != 0)
throw Error( "Can't save changes and close." );
m_archiveHandle = 0;
I use this batch file to get static Zlib. I put it in zlib/build64 and run from "Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt".
rem ** go to the current script directory
cd %~dp0
cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 10 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\devel\installed\zlib64"
msbuild /P:Configuration=Debug INSTALL.vcxproj
msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
Created archive can be unzipped by Total Commander and Windows Explorer. I compared a check-sum (md5, sha1) of the original file and unzipped file, and it was the same. But neither Total nor Explorer shows attributes of the compressed file. Meanwhile 7-zip says me "Unsupported compression method".
Updated December 09, 2013:
It seems that minizip has some problems with attributes when work with files larger 4GB on Windows. 7-Zip and WinZip can't unzip created archive.