I’ve just started using YAML (through pyyaml) and I was wondering if there is any way to state that the value of a key is the key name itself or the parent key. For example
foo: &FOO
bar: !.
baz: !..
<<: *FOO
{‘foo’: {‘bar’: ‘bar’, ‘baz’: ’foo’}, ‘foo2’:{‘bar’:’bar’, ‘baz’:’foo2’}}
(notice the dot and double dot on bar and baz respectively - those are just placeholders for getting the key name and parent key name)
I've tried using add_constructor
def key_construct(loader, node):
# return the key here
yaml.add_constructor('!.', key_construct)
but Node, doesn't hold the key (or a reference to the parent) and I couldn't find the way to get them.
So, here is my real use case and a solution based on Anthon's response: I have a logger configuration file (in yaml), and I wanted to reuse some definitions there:
base: &base_handler
(): globals.TimedRotatingFileHandlerFactory
name: ../
when: midnight
backupCount: 14
level: DEBUG
formatter: generic
class: logging.handlers.SysLogHandler
address: ['localhost', 514]
facility: local5
level: NOTSET
formatter: syslog
<<: *base_handler
<<: *base_handler
base: &base_logger
handlers: [../, syslog]
qualname: ../
<<: *base_logger
<<: *base_logger
handlers: [../, syslog, email]
The solution, as Anthon suggested was to traverse the configuration dictionary after is was being processed:
def expand_yaml(val, parent=None, key=None, key1=None, key2=None):
if isinstance(val, str):
if val == './':
parent[key] = key1
elif val == '../':
parent[key] = key2
elif isinstance(val, dict):
for k, v in val.items():
expand_yaml(v, val, k, k, key1)
elif isinstance(val, list):
parent[key] = val[:] # support inheritance of the list (as in *base_logger)
for index, e in enumerate(parent[key]):
expand_yaml(e, parent[key], index, key1, key2)
return val