
Send public link by email

2019-08-03 07:34发布


i am facing a little problem with email template in Alfresco Share. I want to send document's public link to users when somthing is uploaded.

The question is: how to include public link of a shared document in email template? what freemarker data tag references the public link?


In Share 4.2f under path

share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\head\ resources.get.html.ftl

you have constant Alfresco.constants.QUICKSHARE_URL built like

Alfresco.constants.QUICKSHARE_URL = "${config.scoped["Social"]["quickshare"].getChildValue("url")?replace("{context}", url.context)?js_string}";

Didn't use it, but I'll bet you can do it first! ;)