Postman is used as a popular testing tool for API testing, you can write bunch of unit tests using Postman and execute them as a part of your build process to perform unit testing. The following covers the Jenkins integration of Postman tests.
In order to do that you should have
- Exported Postman tests as a collection
- Make the APIs available at run time when the tests are performed. (Using docker or by creating a separate build pipeline.)
Node module newman can be used to execute Postman collections. Refer the following Package.json file. Here we are executing the postman collection inside the unit_tests folder using newman, also newman dependency is defined.
"name": "postman-newman-jenkins",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "My Test Project",
"directories": {
"tests": "tests"
"scripts": {
"newman-tests": "newman run unit_tests/my-collection.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,junit --reporter-junit-export newman.xml --insecure"
"author": "Test Author",
"dependencies": {
"newman": "^3.5.2"
The following is the content of the Jenkinsfile. We are using NPM to install the dependencies and execute tests.
pipeline {
agent { label 'LinuxSlave' }
stages {
stage ('Checkout') {
steps {
checkout scm
steps {
sh 'npm install'
sh 'npm run newman-tests'
junit 'newman.xml'
you can avoid installing newman on the machine (slave/ master) and use docker
example pipeline script:
pipeline {
agent any stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'docker run -t postman/newman_ubuntu1404 run'
more info on docker & newman here