Hi I am using fineuploader 3.3.0 version.
I am facing problem with fineuploader in IE9
. as fine uploader does not support sizeLimit in ie9.
I am checking the file size at server side with simple contentlength check if (this.Request.Files[0].ContentLength > 5242880)
but it took 1-2 mins to get this response. Also the 1.4 MB file
is taking too long to upload.
Can some one please let me know what is causing it, following is the fineuploader code I am using:-
request: {
endpoint: '/apm/api/job/UploadDocument/?category=' + JobDocuments.category + '&mode=' + JobDocuments.forceupload + '&jobid=' + job_manager_details.jobId
autoUpload: true,
text: {
uploadButton: 'Upload File'
multiple: false,
validation: {
allowedExtensions: ['doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf'],
sizeLimit: 5242880,
itemLimit: 1
showMessage: function (message) {
// Using Twitter Bootstrap's classes and jQuery selector and method
$('#restricted-fine-uploader').append('<div class="alert alert-error">' + message + '</div>');
}).bind('submit', function (event, id, fileName) {
$('li. qq-upload-fail').hide();
job_manager_details.isuploading = 1;
// fileCount++;
}).bind('complete', function (event, id, fileName, responseJSON) {
$('li. qq-upload-fail').hide();
job_manager_details.isuploading = 0;
if (responseJSON.success) {
// fileCount--;
// if (fileCount == 0 && !$('div.alert-error').html()) {
// }