How to use constructed formula with glm.mids

2019-08-03 05:22发布


Working with a large number of variables and addressing them with constructed formula (via paste0()) using variables passed to functions. I have stumbled across a problem/bug I cannot figure out. Easiest explained with a toy example:

imp2 = mice(nhanes)

# So both these models run fine:
mod1 <- glm(bmi ~ hyp + age, data=nhanes) <- with(imp2, glm(bmi ~ hyp + age))

# However if I try to pass a formula to glm() in the with() I get an error
formula = bmi ~ hyp + age
mod2 <- glm(formula, data=nhanes)
mod2 <- with(imp2, glm(formula))

#Running the above leads to the following error:
> mod2 <- with(imp2, glm(formula))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'bmi' not found

How can I work around this? Why is it not finding BMI ?