I have a formula that is generated via a series of concatenated strings. This is better explained with an example:
open a new Excel workbook
A1 = 5
C1 = 5 & "+A1" [A1 is seen as text. C1 will contain "5+A1" ]
I would like E1 to contain the result of C1 evaluated as a formula, so basically in this example 10.
I tried to use INDIRECT(C1)
but it did not work.
UPDATE: It must work with Custom cell names. so if for example i assign the name "mycell" to A1, then the field C1 will contain "5+mycell"
UPDATE 2: my real data:
sheet 1, cell Y20 contains this:
-0,0000014369849267*Drehzahl^2 + 0,0401449351560780*Drehzahl - 32,5068828005099000
sheet 2, cell J7 contains this:
= 'Sheet 1'!Y20
sheet 2, cell J8 contains this:
= eval(J7)
sheet 2, cell C7 is renamed as Drezahl
Update 3: a formula that is not working for me:
it requires 4 custom renamed cells: "Drezahl" (value=3550) Kondtemp (45) Saugtemp (-45) Schlitten(100) the result of the calc must be about 91,17
((((-0,0000014369849267*Drehzahl^2 + 0,0401449351560780*Drehzahl - 32,5068828005099000) + ((8,95609756097562+(18,1/2050)*Drehzahl))*(1/25)*(45-Kondtemp))*((0,0000262088992942*Saugtemp^3 + 0,0050210402289170*Saugtemp^2 + 0,3711985619535020*Saugtemp + 9,9227907759641600)*((0,361075074412964)*(3550/Drehzahl)-0,361075074412964+1))*((((100-50)/(91,4-46,3))*((0,014285714285714*Schlitten^2 - 1,262285714285720*Schlitten + 74,214285714286400)-46,3)+50)-50))/50)+((0,0000063790283394*Drehzahl^2 - 0,0103039106823734*Drehzahl + 2,6771661029208000)*(-0,0002159827213823*Kondtemp^2 - 0,0034865782165998*Kondtemp + 1,5954952175254600))*(((0,000000003885345*Saugtemp^6 + 0,000000666998414*Saugtemp^5 + 0,000042907134551*Saugtemp^4 + 0,001268740583850*Saugtemp^3 + 0,020179866978636*Saugtemp^2 + 0,418860651690801*Saugtemp + 9,465861006018070)*((((7,68293017999336)/(-2050)*(Drehzahl-3550)+1)-1)/(45)*(Saugtemp+45)+1)))*(1/-50*((((100-50)/(91,4-46,3))*((0,014285714285714*Schlitten^2 - 1,262285714285720*Schlitten + 74,214285714286400)-46,3)+50)-100))`