How to comment out/in a paragraph of haml in vi?

2019-08-03 03:05发布


I just started diving into vi and so far learned only basic moving around/editing commands. While I am going through the book, is there a fast way to comment out a paragraph with -# in the same column with the cursor position (indenting the lines accordingly)?

Let's say I have a piece of code:

  - unless paginate(@clients).nil?
    =render :partial => 'client', :collection => @clients

and I want to comment out lines between - unless and =render :partial with -# in one column and then be able to comment them in again. What command would that be?


In blockwise select mode, you can press I to insert in front of the block and A to insert after the block.

Setting 'relativenumber' (:set rnu) could help to count lines.

Start with CTRL-V to switch to blockwise select mode, then 8j to go down eight lines, then I#Esc to insert the #.

To remove it: dCTRL-V8j will delete blockwise.

Warning, if you happen to use vanilla gvim.exe on Windows, you probably have mswin.vim activated which remaps CTRL-V, use then CTRL-Q instead (or disable this plugin)


If you're less interested about the how and just want it to work, there are a number of plugins that provide (un)commenting functionality for varieties of languages. Tim Pope's commentary.vim is the one I just started using recently, as a replacement for nerdcommenter.

I just installed it so I can't speak to any defects, but Tim Pope's stuff is (nearly?) always excellent. With the plugin you could comment a Haml paragraph by selecting a visual block and typing \\\. It also takes motions, e.g. \\ap.

The link:


If you use it often, you can define a command in your .vimrc

command -range=% C :<line1>,<line2>s/^/-#/

Then in vi, you can apply :<range>C in the usual manner. You can do this with :10,20C or .,+10C. You can use the following command for uncommenting.

command -range=% D :<line1>,<line2>s/^-#//

Since I am using vi for with languages with different types of commenting, I also us these commands:

command -range=% -nargs=1 Ca :<line1>,<line2>s/^/<args>/
command -range=% -nargs=1 Da :<line1>,<line2>s/^<args>//

Allowing you to just do :10,20Ca-#, where you can replace -# with the commenting method of choice.

标签: vim editor vi