In vb6, a form containing following values and here is the screenshot link for the sample values !
And I am using Ms Access 2007 and it contains a table named "studentexamdetail" contains
And my doubt is when i click "Save" button in above form(see screenshot), then admission number,semester,all the subjectcode, regular_arrear(we can write manually) and Fee should saved in the "studentexamdetail" table but it stores 1st value only when i use this method !
rs2.Open "select * from studentexamdetail", con, 1, 3
Do Until rs2.EOF
rs2!AdmnNo = admno.Caption
rs2!semester = semester.Caption
rs2!Subjectcode = rs.Fields("Subjectcode")
rs2!Regular_Arrear = "Regular"
rs2!Fee = rs.Fields("Fee")
MsgBox "Record Saved!"
What changes should i made to store all the values and not 1st value only? What i need is, I shown below :
Admno Semester Subjectcode Regular_Arrear Fee
1471 V RMSC1 Regular 440
1471 V RMSC3 Regular 440
1471 V RMSC2 Regular 320
I want to save values in that table as like above only !