so this is a follow up question of this one.
I am adding a step before the shipping-methods by observer. I have a problem for getting the html used to update the step's tab content. Despite my best efforts it still loads the html of the shipping-method step instead of the html I want.
This is the code of the observer:
public function gotoViesStep($observer)
$response = $observer->getEvent()->getControllerAction()->getResponse();
$body = $response->getBody();
$result = Mage::helper('core')->jsonDecode($body);
if (in_array('error', $result)) {
//if conditions are met, go to vies check
if ($result['goto_section'] == 'shipping_method') {
$quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
$shippingAddress = $quote->getShippingAddress();
$countryId = $shippingAddress->getCountryId();
if (($countryId != 'BE') && ($this->_countryInEU($countryId))) {
$result['goto_section'] = 'vies';
$result['allow_sections'][] = 'vies';
$result['country_id'] = $countryId;
$result['update_section'] = array(
'name' => 'vies',
'html' => $this->_getViesHtml()
protected function _getViesHtml()
$layout = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout');
$update = $layout->getUpdate();
$output = $layout->getOutput();
return $output;
and the layout.xml of that handle checkout_onepage_vies
<remove name="right"/>
<remove name="left"/>
<block type="correctionvat/onepage_vies" name="root" output="toHtml" template="correctionvat/onepage/vies.phtml"/>
If I put something directly instead of trying to load the block, it works. I.E., if, instead of 'html' => $this->_getViesHtml()
I do 'html' => 'foobar'
, the content of the step is foobar
So it's like as the output/layout/blocks is already charged by the OnepageController my attempt to re-charge it again fails.
Any thaughts?