Convert DD (decimal degrees) to DMS (degrees minut

2019-01-14 17:32发布


How do you convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds In Python? Is there a Formula already written?


This is exactly what divmod was invented for:

>>> def decdeg2dms(dd):
...   mnt,sec = divmod(dd*3600,60)
...   deg,mnt = divmod(mnt,60)
...   return deg,mnt,sec

>>> dd = 45 + 30.0/60 + 1.0/3600
>>> print dd
>>> decdeg2dms(dd)
(45.0, 30.0, 1.0)


Here is my updated version based upon Paul McGuire's. This one should handle negatives correctly.

def decdeg2dms(dd):
   is_positive = dd >= 0
   dd = abs(dd)
   minutes,seconds = divmod(dd*3600,60)
   degrees,minutes = divmod(minutes,60)
   degrees = degrees if is_positive else -degrees
   return (degrees,minutes,seconds)


If you want to handle negatives properly, the first non-zero measure is set negative. It is counter to common practice to specify all of degrees, minutes and seconds as negative (Wikipedia shows 40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172 as a valid example of degrees-minutes notation, in which degrees are negative and minutes have no sign), and setting degrees as negative does not have any effect if the degrees portion is 0. Here is a function that adequately handles this, based on Paul McGuire's and baens' functions:

def decdeg2dms(dd):
    negative = dd < 0
    dd = abs(dd)
    minutes,seconds = divmod(dd*3600,60)
    degrees,minutes = divmod(minutes,60)
    if negative:
        if degrees > 0:
            degrees = -degrees
        elif minutes > 0:
            minutes = -minutes
            seconds = -seconds
    return (degrees,minutes,seconds)


Just a couple of * 60 multiplications and a couple of int truncations, i.e.:

>>> decdegrees = 31.125
>>> degrees = int(decdegrees)
>>> temp = 60 * (decdegrees - degrees)
>>> minutes = int(temp)
>>> seconds = 60 * (temp - minutes)
>>> print degrees, minutes, seconds
31 7 30.0


This is my Python code:

def DecimaltoDMS(Decimal):
d = int(Decimal)
m = int((Decimal - d) * 60)
s = (Decimal - d - m/60) * 3600.00
z= round(s, 2)
if d >= 0:
    print ("N ", abs(d), "º ", abs(m), "' ", abs(z), '" ')
    print ("S ", abs(d), "º ", abs(m), "' ", abs(z), '" ')


The sign has better be returned separately, so that it can be used to choose from ('N', 'S') or ('E', 'W'), for example.

import math

def dd_to_dms(degs):
    neg = degs < 0
    degs = (-1) ** neg * degs
    degs, d_int = math.modf(degs)
    mins, m_int = math.modf(60 * degs)
    secs        =           60 * mins
    return neg, d_int, m_int, secs


Improving @chqrlie answer:

    def deg_to_dms(deg, type='lat'):
        decimals, number = math.modf(deg)
        d = int(number)
        m = int(decimals * 60)
        s = (deg - d - m / 60) * 3600.00
        compass = {
            'lat': ('N','S'),
            'lon': ('E','W')
        compass_str = compass[type][0 if d >= 0 else 1]
        return '{}º{}\'{:.2f}"{}'.format(abs(d), abs(m), abs(s), compass_str)


Use fmod and rounding to get the degrees and fraction separated. Multiply the fraction by 60 and repeat to get minutes and a remainder. Then multiply that last part by 60 again to get the number of seconds.