Generalizing C++11 Threads class to work with lamb

2019-08-02 21:46发布


I have a simple Threads class based on pthreads which works fine with a standard static callback function.

Is it possible to generalize Threads to work with lambdas, too?


  • sandbox.cpp:27:26: error: invalid cast from type ‘main(int, char*)::’ to type ‘void

  • thread_cb() needs to deal with generically casting void* back into something callable

I suspect the second problem may be solved with template methods or maybe std::function, but not sure how.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

#include <pthread.h>

class Threads 
        Threads()  { }
        ~Threads() { }

        static void *thread_cb( void *v )
            // following will also need to change
            void (*my_fptr)() =
                reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(reinterpret_cast<long long>(v));   
            return nullptr;

        template<typename CALLBACK>
        void spawn( CALLBACK cb )
            pthread_t t;
            void *p = (void*)( cb ); // problem here
            pthread_create( &t, nullptr, thread_cb, p );
            m_threads.push_back( t );

        void join_all()
            for ( auto& p : m_threads )
                pthread_join( p, nullptr );

        std::vector< pthread_t > m_threads;

static void my_cb()
    std::cerr << "bar" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Threads t;

    t.spawn( my_cb );  // ok
    t.spawn( []() { std::cerr << "foo" << std::endl; } ); // not ok


    return 0;


You can use "lambda to function pointer" conversion. that as it may, I strongly recommend std::thread.

template<typename CALLBACK>
void spawn( CALLBACK cb )
  pthread_t t;
  // void *p = (void*)( cb );
  // pthread_create( &t, nullptr, thread_cb, p );
  void (*pfn)() = cb;  // function pointer to `void()`
  pthread_create( &t, nullptr, thread_cb, reinterpret_cast<void*>(pfn) );
  m_threads.push_back( t );