How do I generate the predicate classes (Q* classes) with gradle? I want to use Q* classes for Mongo using Spring data. Spring documentation shows maven and ant versions but no gradle.
Is there any plugin out there that I could use?
How do I generate the predicate classes (Q* classes) with gradle? I want to use Q* classes for Mongo using Spring data. Spring documentation shows maven and ant versions but no gradle.
Is there any plugin out there that I could use?
You can use the same approach is presented here Generating JPA2 Metamodel from a Gradle build script
Just replace the Querydsl JPA APT processor with the Spring Mongodb processor.
There is an example in my project: spring-data-demo
You will need to define the relevant source to scan. In this case it is: 'org/springframework/data/demo/data/**' queryDslVersion is defined in
configurations {
dependencies {
queryDslTool group: 'com.mysema.querydsl', name: 'querydsl-apt', version: queryDslVersion
task generateSources {
def queryDslDir = new File(buildDir, 'generated-sources/java') += queryDslDir
doLast {
if (!queryDslDir.exists()) {
def classPathStr = (configurations.queryDslTool + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath).asPath
ant {
javac(classpath: classPathStr, includes: 'org/springframework/data/demo/data/**', includeantruntime: false) { {
if (it != queryDslDir) {
src(path: it.path)
compilerarg value: '-proc:only'
compilerarg value: '-processor'
compilerarg value: 'com.mysema.query.apt.QuerydslAnnotationProcessor'
compilerarg value: '-s'
compilerarg value: queryDslDir.path
echo(message: 'Generated QueryDSL Helpers')
compileJava.dependsOn generateSources