My cucumber feature file is as follows
Feature: Create and Manage Videos
In order to record a video
As a registered user
I want to create and manage videos
Scenario: sent videos list
Given I have sent video titled "Happy Birthday" to "My Friend X"
When I go to my outbox list of videos
Then I should see "Happy Birthday" video
And I should see "My Friend X"
I run cucumber using the following command
cucumber features
I get the following output
Using the default profile...
Feature: Create and Manage Videos
In order to record a video
As a registered user
I want to create and manage videos
Scenario: sent videos list # features/manage_video.feature:6
Given I have sent video titled "Happy Birthday" to "My Friend X" # features/manage_video.feature:7
Undefined step: "I have sent video titled "Happy Birthday" to "My Friend X"" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_video.feature:7:in `Given I have sent video titled "Happy Birthday" to "My Friend X"'
When I go to my outbox list of videos # features/manage_video.feature:8
Undefined step: "I go to my outbox list of videos" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_video.feature:8:in `When I go to my outbox list of videos'
Then I should see "Happy Birthday" video # features/manage_video.feature:9
Undefined step: "I should see "Happy Birthday" video" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_video.feature:9:in `Then I should see "Happy Birthday" video'
And I should see "My Friend X" # features/manage_video.feature:10
Undefined step: "I should see "My Friend X"" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_video.feature:10:in `And I should see "My Friend X"'
1 scenario (1 undefined)
4 steps (4 undefined)
Below this I get a bunch of snippets which I will use in the steps_definition file.
My question is :: Are these Cucumber::Undefined errors something to worry about?
Thanks Paul