I have a PhoneNumber
entity which I'd like to reference across multiple entities. For example, a Contact
entity that has many PhoneNumbers, and a Business
entity with one PhoneNumber.
public class PhoneNumber
[Key, Column(Order = 0), DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public class Contact
[Key, Column(Order = 0), DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }
public class Business
[Key, Column(Order = 0), DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public int PhoneNumberId { get; set; }
public virtual PhoneNumber PhoneNumber { get; set; }
I've setup Contact
and Business
so that they have one way navigation properties. Also, the phone numbers are optional. I've also setup the many relationship for Contact
to prevent EF from adding a Contact_Id
column when I add a migration. The mapping is as follows (note WithMany()
is used since PhoneNumber
doesn't have a nav property back to Contact
modelBuilder.Entity<Contact>().HasMany(r => r.PhoneNumbers).WithMany()
.Map(x => x.MapLeftKey("ContactId").MapRightKey("PhoneId"));
When I add a Contact
with multiple phone numbers it gets added fine. There are records for the Contact
, the PhoneNumbers
table, and the ContactPhoneNumbers
link table.
However, the issue I'm struggling with is when I delete a contact. EF correctly deletes the entry in the ContactPhoneNumbers
link table, and the Contact
entry, but it doesn't delete the entries from the PhoneNumbers
table. I've seen examples of mapping with modelBuilder
where WillCascadeOnDelete(true)
is used, but that option isn't available when using WithMany()
What do I need to do to get that type of cascade delete working correctly? Is it possible with this setup? Or will I need to have a separate PhoneNumbers
table for each entity (Contact and Business) to setup a relationship where the respective PhoneNumber table uses a FK (eg., Contact_Id
I'm fairly new to EF so any suggestions are welcome. I might be going about this entirely wrong.
EDIT: here's the related migration code...
c => new
Id = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true),
Number = c.String()
.PrimaryKey(t => t.Id);
c => new
Id = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true)
.PrimaryKey(t => t.Id);
c => new
ContactId = c.Int(nullable: false),
PhoneId = c.Int(nullable: false),
.PrimaryKey(t => new { t.ContactId, t.PhoneId })
.ForeignKey("dbo.Contacts", t => t.ContactId, cascadeDelete: true)
.ForeignKey("dbo.PhoneNumbers", t => t.PhoneId, cascadeDelete: true)
.Index(t => t.ContactId)
.Index(t => t.PhoneId);
c => new
Id = c.Int(nullable: false),
PhoneNumberId = c.Int(nullable: false)
.PrimaryKey(t => t.Id)
.ForeignKey("dbo.PhoneNumbers", t => t.PhoneNumberId, cascadeDelete: true)
.Index(t => t.Id)
.Index(t => t.PhoneNumberId);