I'm trying to call a function in a delphi dll using JNA. the function definition is:
function myFuncGetName (aHandle : THandle; var aBuf : pwideChar ): integer; export;
my jna mapping looks like this:
int myFuncGetName(PointerByReference aHandle, WString aBuf);
the return value should be 0 for success and -1 for fail and I'm always getting -1.
I have started up WinDbg and attached to the process and it breaks at myFuncGetName.
057cb384 eb11 jmp myDLL!myFuncGetName+0x87 (057cb397)
057cb386 b8dcb37c05 mov eax,offset myDLL!myFuncGetName+0xcc (057cb3dc)
057cb38b 8b55f8 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-8]
057cb38e 8902 mov dword ptr [edx],eax ds:002b:00000000=???????? <-- ### breaks here ###
057cb390 c745f4ffffffff mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],0FFFFFFFFh
I'm not an assembly wiz so correct me where I'm wrong. I think its moving an address (function argument) from location ebp-8 to the edx register. ebp-8 points to value 0 so edx is 0. it moves eax to address pointed by edx. Its not supposed to move anything to 0 so it all breaks?
Why aren't my arguments correctly passed to the function? I get aHandle from the same DLL from a previous call and I set up aBuf as WString aBuf = new WString("placeholderstring"); I expect aBuf to be filled with real text after the function returns.
This is all running on Windows 7 with java 7 64bit. The DLL is a 32bit DLL.
Thank you David and Rob for your comments. I have changed the delphi definition to use the stdcall declaration. Calling the function now returns 0 which it should. To retrieve the value of the pwideChar I did the following:
int charcount= "placeholder".length();
PointerByReference aBuf = new PointerByReference(new Memory(charcount*4));
int returnvalue = myFuncGetName(aHandle, aBuf);
if(returnvalue == 0) {
System.out.println(aBuf.getValue().getString(0, true));