Ho to add class to the tab in TabContainer?
Only thing I've found is set iconClass. However I need to add class to the parent div in tab. Not to some nested divs inside it.
Ho to add class to the tab in TabContainer?
Only thing I've found is set iconClass. However I need to add class to the parent div in tab. Not to some nested divs inside it.
Not a simple way, but I got access to the tab button in the tabcontainer object.
var tabContainer = ...;
dojo.addClass(tabContainer.tablist.pane2button["123"].domNode, "myTabClass");
Building on Craig's suggestion, here's the modern way of doing it:
// assuming there is only one tabContainer on the page it will have an id of 'tab_container'
require( [ 'dijit/registry', 'dojo/dom-class' ],
function( registry, domClass )
domClass.add( registry.byId( 'tab_container' ).tablist.pane2button['my_pane_id'].domNode, 'my_css_class' );
} );