How can I check if a file extension and mime type are in an array this is the code I currently have.
$upload_project_thum = $_FILES['upload_project_thum']['name'];
$upload_project_thum_ext = substr($upload_project_thum, strrpos($upload_project_thum, '.') + 1);
$upload_permitted_types= array('image/jpeg:jpg','image/pjpeg:jpg','image/gif:gif','image/png:png');
Then down where i'm checking if the file is a valid type I have this foreach loop
foreach ($upload_permitted_types as $image_type) {
$type = explode(":", $image_type);
if (($type[0] != $_FILES['upload_project_thum']['type']) && ($upload_project_thum_ext != $type[1]) ) {
$errmsg_arr[] = 'Please select a jpg, jpeg, gif, or png image to use as the project thumbnail'. $type[1] . " Type: ". $type[0];
$errflag = true;
The problem is that if the file type isn't ALL of the types in the array (which is impossible) I get an error. It works to the point where if the upload file is in the array that error message won't trigger.
if (!in_array($_FILES['upload_project_thum']['type'], $upload_permitted_types)){
exit("Unsupported file type");
if( !in_array( $_FILES['upload_project_thum']['type'] . ':' . $upload_project_thum_ext, $upload_permitted_types) ) {
This should look for a proper string glued from both the type and extension.
Another way is to modify your loop like that:
$is_allowed = false;
foreach ($upload_permitted_types as $image_type) {
$type = explode(":", $image_type);
if (($type[0] == $_FILES['upload_project_thum']['type']) && ($type[1] == $upload_project_thum_ext ) ) {
$is_allowed = true;
if( !$is_allowed ) {
$errmsg_arr[] = 'Please select a jpg, jpeg, gif, or png image to use as the project thumbnail'. $type[1] . " Type: ". $type[0];
$errflag = true;
The way I am doing this now is:
$upload_permitted_types['mime']= array('image/jpeg','image/gif','image/png');
$upload_permitted_types['ext']= array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png');
if(!in_array($_FILES['upload_project_thum']['type'],$upload_permitted_types['mime']) || !in_array($upload_project_thum_ext,$upload_permitted_types['ext'])
$errmsg_arr[] = 'Please select a jpg, jpeg, gif, or png image to use as the project thumbnail';
$errflag = true;
The advantage to this is that it will allow a .gif file with a mime of jpeg. So it doesn't force the mine and the extension to match but does make sure they are both image types.
I like to get the files array and then use a foreach loop literating over possible conditions
$is_error = TRUE;
$allowFileTypes = array(
$UserBaseFolder = 'userfiles/'.$_SESSION['user_id'];
if(!file_exists($UserBaseFolder)) {
if ($_FILES['file']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
foreach($_FILES as $dat => $f) {
if($f['size'] == "0") {
$msg .= '<p><span class="alert alert-danger">You must upload a file.</span></p>';
$is_error = FALSE;
if($f['size'] > "2000000") {
$msg .= '<p><span class="alert alert-danger">Your file size is too big.</span></p>';
$is_error = FALSE;
$msg .= '<p><span class="alert alert-danger">Your file has invalid format. Please try again...</span></p>';
$is_error = FALSE;
} else {
$filepath = $UserBaseFolder.'/'.time().'-'.$f['name'];
move_uploaded_file($f["tmp_name"], $filepath);
return $msg;