I have created a little chat server which I have tested and compiled on Windows without any problems. The next step would be to put this server on my Raspberry Pi. But at that point I'm getting many errors.
I created a Visual Studio Remote Linux Project which I have conntected to my Raspberry Pi. I think that the compiler cannot find the libraries.
Some errors which I get(total errors are about 700):
-Error (active) E0304 no instance of overloaded function "boost::asio::buffer" matches the argument list -Error (active) E0020 identifier "sa_family_t" is undefined VoiceChatServer -Error (active) E0059 function call is not allowed in a constant expression -Error (active) E2778 builtin function is not available because vector types are not supported -Error (active) E0035 #error directive: Only Windows, POSIX and std::thread are supported!
My Project Properties look like that: VC++ Directories > Include Directories: C:\Program Files\Cpp_Libs\boost_1_66_0, /home/pi/boostPrefix/include/, C:\includeLinux\include, /usr/include/
C/C++ > Additional Include Directories: C:\Program Files\Cpp_Libs\boost_1_66_0, /home/pi/boostPrefix/include/, C:\includeLinux\include, /usr/include/
Linker > Additional Library Directories: /home/pi/boostPrefix/lib/, C:\Program Files\Cpp_Libs\boost_1_66_0\stage\lib
Does anybody know how to include the libraries correctly?