I need to rename a lot of directories and their sub directories.
I have a csv file which contains the old directory names and the required new name.
Note that some of the directory names are
which need to be renamed to
I know broadly how I'd do this in bash:
mv -r `cat file.csv | awk -F, '{print $3* $4*}'`
..but I'm bound to and totally lost with powershell.
EDIT: Here's what I've got so far. Is this close?:
cat .\file.csv | foreach { $oldname = $_.split(",")[2], $newname = $_.split(",")[3], move-item $oldname*, $newname*}
The "-morestuffhere" is the tricky part. The Path parameters (ie source location) on Move-Item and Rename-Item don't take wildcards. But that can be solved another way. First, can you add a CSV header to your CSV file like this:
If so, we can use PowerShell's Import-Csv cmdlet. Now the following seems kind of complicated but it handles the case of multiple OldName-<differentstuffhere>
to NewName-<sameasoldnamestuffhere>
$names = Import-Csv names.csv |
Foreach {
$oldDirs=@(Get-ChildItem . -r -filter "$($_.OldName)*" |
?{$_.PSIsContainer} | %{$_.FullName})
Add-Member -in $_ NoteProperty OldDirs $oldDirs -PassThru
foreach ($name in $names) {
foreach ($oldDir in $name.oldDirs) {
$dir = Split-Path $oldDir -Parent
$suffix = (Split-Path $oldDir -Leaf).Substring($name.OldName.Length)
$newPath = Join-Path $dir ($name.NewName + $suffix)
Rename-Item $oldDir ($name.NewName + $suffix) -WhatIf -ea 0
This is hand intrepreted so there may be errors. Remove the -Whatif when you're satisfied with the results.
this is an alternative, since you should have vbscript already installed
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile= "C:\test\file.csv"
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile,1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objFile.ReadLine
s = Split(strLine,",")
oldname = s(2)
newname = s(3)
WScript.Echo oldname, newname
Set objFile=objFS.GetFile(oldname)
objFile.Name = newname
Set objFile=Nothing