I'm working on a project where I want to generate (simple) sound by combining different sine waves. I'm using an arduino mkrZero, as it has I2S interface built in and it seems to have enough processing power for what I want.
I have wired my system exactly like in the tutorial for arduino I2S simpleTone:
And the tutorial code works just fine, and I get a simple square wave tone from the speaker.
Now I have modified the code to generate sine wave, there is a lookup table for the sin function to make it fast enough:
#include <I2S.h>
uint16_t isin16[] = {
0, 1144, 2287, 3430, 4571, 5712, 6850, 7987, 9121, 10252, 11380,
12505, 13625, 14742, 15854, 16962, 18064, 19161, 20251, 21336, 22414,
23486, 24550, 25607, 26655, 27696, 28729, 29752, 30767, 31772, 32768,
33753, 34728, 35693, 36647, 37589, 38521, 39440, 40347, 41243, 42125,
42995, 43851, 44695, 45524, 46340, 47142, 47929, 48702, 49460, 50203,
50930, 51642, 52339, 53019, 53683, 54331, 54962, 55577, 56174, 56755,
57318, 57864, 58392, 58902, 59395, 59869, 60325, 60763, 61182, 61583,
61965, 62327, 62671, 62996, 63302, 63588, 63855, 64103, 64331, 64539,
64728, 64897, 65047, 65176, 65286, 65375, 65445, 65495, 65525, 65535,
}; //0-90
const int sincount = 2;
int freqs[] = {50*360,51*360};
float amps[] ={0.1,0.1};
const int sampleRate = 8000; // sample rate in Hz
short sample = 0;
double t = 0;
double dt = 1.0/(1.0*sampleRate);
short LR[] = {0,0};
void setup() {
// start I2S at the sample rate with 16-bits per sample
if (!I2S.begin(I2S_PHILIPS_MODE, sampleRate, 16)) {
while (1); // do nothing
void loop() {
sample = 0;
for(int n= 0;n<sincount;n++)
sample += fSin(freqs[n]*t)*amps[n];
t += dt;
LR[0] = sample;
LR[1] = sample;
I2S.write(LR[0]);//left channel
I2S.write(LR[1]);//right channel
float fSin(long x)
boolean pos = true; // positive - keeps an eye on the sign.
if (x < 0)
x = -x;
pos = false;
if (x >= 360) x %= 360;
if (x > 180)
x -= 180;
pos = !pos;
if (x > 90) x = 180 - x;
if (pos) return isin16[x]; // = /65535.0
return isin16[x];
This also works fine.
If I change the code a bit and I write
instead of
I2S.write(LR[0]);//left channel
I2S.write(LR[1]);//right channel
Everything just breaks, the sound from the speaker sounds like a horrible scream
From the I2S library reference:
Writes binary data to the I2S interface. This data is sent as a sample or series of samples.
// blocking
I2S.write(buf, len)
// not blockingParameters
val: a value to send as a single sample
buf: an array to send as a series of samples
len: the length of the buffer
byte write() will return the number of bytes written, though reading that number is optional.
I'd like to use the latter version of the write function, because it is not blocking and I can generate new samples while the previous ones are playing.
Any ideas on how to make the buffered version work correctly as well?