I want the chart refresh itself(not to refresh the whole web page) ,like a heart monitor ,everytime a new data has been added to the database,is that possible?
With codes below,i must refresh the web page and see if there's any new data.
from tempsensors.models import temp
def temp_page(request):
#this view is to store the temperature value into my database
#data is send by my board with a temperature sensor
if request.method == 'POST' and 'tem' in request.POST and request.POST['tem']:
temp_value = float(request.POST['tem'])
temp_add = temp(temp=temp_value)
#only for post data
raise Http404
return render_to_response("temp.html",locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def chart_page(request):
#this view will display a chart
temps = temp.objects.all()
# formatting JSON file
prefix = ''
chartData = "["
for t in temps:
chartData += prefix
chartData += "{\n"
chartData += " date: "
chartData += "new Date(" + str(t.temp_date.year) + ","
chartData += str(t.temp_date.month-1) + ","
chartData += str(t.temp_date.day) + ","
chartData += str(t.temp_date.hour) + ","
chartData += str(t.temp_date.minute) + "),\n"
chartData += " value: "
chartData += str(t.temp) + "\n }"
prefix = ", "
chartData += "]"
temp_now = temp.objects.order_by("-id")[0].temp
return render_to_response('chart.html', locals())
var chartData = {{chartData}}
chart.dataProvider = chartData;