我如何能适应我的正则表达式来允许转义引号?(How can I adapt my regex to

2019-08-02 16:22发布


首先我一般的问题是,我想字符串替换字符串中的问号,但只有当他们没有报价。 所以我发现SO(一个类似的答案链接 ),并开始测试出来的代码。 不幸的是,当然,代码中并没有考虑到转义引号。

例如: $string = 'hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=?';

我已经适应了从一个正则表达式和代码这个问题的答案的问题: 如何更换双和单引号外面的话 ,这是在这里转载为了便于阅读,我的问题:

function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace,$with,$string){
    $result = "";
    $outside = preg_split('/("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')/',$string,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    while ($outside)
        $result .= str_replace($replace,$with,array_shift($outside)).array_shift($outside);
    return $result;



$pattern = '/("(\\"|[^"])*"' . '|' . "'[^']*')/";

// when parsed/echoed by PHP the pattern evaluates to
// /("(\"|[^"])*"|'[^']*')/


我的测试字符串是: hello="is it me your are looking for\"?" AND test=?


  0 => string 'hello=' (length=6)
  1 => string '"is it me your are looking for\"?"' (length=34)
  2 => string '?' (length=1)
  3 => string ' AND test=?' (length=11)

匹配索引大二不应该存在。 这个问号,应考虑配建指标1,而不是单独重复的部分。



echo str_replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s', 'hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=?');
// hello="is it me your are looking for\"?" AND test=%s

我希望这是有道理的,我已经提供了足够的信息来回答这个问题。 如果不是我会很乐意提供任何你需要的。


我现在(完成)的代码示例是在键盘的分叉以及 :

function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace, $with, $string){
    $result = '';
    $pattern = '/("(\\"|[^"])*"' . '|' . "'[^']*')/";
    $outside = preg_split($pattern, $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    while ($outside) {
        $result .= str_replace($replace, $with, array_shift($outside)) . array_shift($outside);
    return $result;
echo str_replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s', 'hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=?');


In: hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=? AND hello='is it me your are looking for\\'?' AND test=? hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=?' AND hello='is it me your are looking for\\'?' AND test=?
Out: hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=%s AND hello='is it me your are looking for\\'?' AND test=%s hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=%s AND hello='is it me your are looking for\\'?' AND test=%s

In: my_var = ? AND var_test = "phoned?" AND story = 'he said \'where is it?!?\''
Out: my_var = %s AND var_test = "phoned?" AND story = 'he said \'where is it?!?\''

Answer 1:

下面的测试脚本首先检查是否一个给定的字符串是有效的,仅由单引号,双引号和未引述块。 在$re_valid正则表达式执行此验证任务。 如果字符串是有效的,它然后使用解析字符串一个大块同时preg_replace_callback()$re_parse正则表达式。 回调函数处理使用未加引号块preg_replace()并返回所有引用块不变。 逻辑的唯一棘手的部分是通过在$replace$with main函数的回调函数的参数值。 (请注意,PHP程序代码,使得从main函数回调函数有点别扭这个变量传递。)下面是脚本:

<?php // test.php Rev:20121113_1500
function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace, $with, $string){
    $re_valid = '/
        # Validate string having embedded quoted substrings.
        ^                           # Anchor to start of string.
        (?:                         # Zero or more string chunks.
          "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"  # Either a double quoted chunk,
        | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\'  # or a single quoted chunk,
        | [^\'"\\\\]+               # or an unquoted chunk (no escapes).
        )*                          # Zero or more string chunks.
        \z                          # Anchor to end of string.
    if (!preg_match($re_valid, $string)) // Exit if string is invalid.
        exit("Error! String not valid.");
    $re_parse = '/
        # Match one chunk of a valid string having embedded quoted substrings.
          (                         # Either $1: Quoted chunk.
            "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"  # Either a double quoted chunk,
          | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\'  # or a single quoted chunk.
          )                         # End $1: Quoted chunk.
        | ([^\'"\\\\]+)             # or $2: an unquoted chunk (no escapes).
    _cb(null, $replace, $with); // Pass args to callback func.
    return preg_replace_callback($re_parse, '_cb', $string);
function _cb($matches, $replace = null, $with = null) {
    // Only set local static vars on first call.
    static $_replace, $_with;
    if (!isset($matches)) { 
        $_replace = $replace;
        $_with = $with;
        return; // First call is done.
    // Return quoted string chunks (in group $1) unaltered.
    if ($matches[1]) return $matches[1];
    // Process only unquoted chunks (in group $2).
    return preg_replace('/'. preg_quote($_replace, '/') .'/',
        $_with, $matches[2]);
$data = file_get_contents('testdata.txt');
$output = str_replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s', $data);
file_put_contents('testdata_out.txt', $output);

Answer 2:


$s输入, $p短语字符串, $v的替代变量,使用的preg_replace如下:

$r = '/\G((?:(?:[^\x5C"\']|\x5C(?!["\'])|\x5C["\'])*?(?:\'(?:[^\x5C\']|\x5C(?!\')' .
     '|\x5C\')*\')*(?:"(?:[^\x5C"]|\x5C(?!")|\x5C")*")*)*?)' . preg_quote($p) . '/';
$s = preg_match($r, $s) ? preg_replace($r, "$1" . $v, $s) : $s;


注意:在正则表达式, \x5C表示\字符。

Answer 3:

此正则表达式匹配有效引号的字符串。 这意味着它知道转义引号的。



$pattern = '/^((?:"([^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*(?![^\\\\]\\\\))")|(?:\'([^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*(?![^\\\\]\\\\))\'))$/';


$pattern = '/((?:"(?:[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*(?![^\\\\]\\\\))")|(?:\'(?:[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*(?![^\\\\]\\\\))\'))/';

Answer 4:

编辑,更改答案。 不与正则表达式的工作(仅现在的正则表达式 - 我认为这将是更好地使用的preg_replace而不str_replace函数,但你可以改变)):

function replace_special($what, $with, $str) {
   $res = '';
   $currPos = 0;
   $doWork = true;

   while (true) {
     $doWork = false; //pesimistic approach

     $pos = get_quote_pos($str, $currPos, $quoteType);
     if ($pos !== false) {
       $posEnd = get_specific_quote_pos($str, $quoteType, $pos + 1);
       if ($posEnd !== false) {
           $doWork = $posEnd !== strlen($str) - 1; //do not break if not end of string reached

           $res .= preg_replace($what, $with, 
                                substr($str, $currPos, $pos - $currPos));
           $res .= substr($str, $pos, $posEnd - $pos + 1);                      

           $currPos = $posEnd + 1;

     if (!$doWork) {
        $res .= preg_replace($what, $with, 
                             substr($str, $currPos, strlen($str) - $currPos + 1));


   return $res;

function get_quote_pos($str, $currPos, &$type) {
   $pos1 = get_specific_quote_pos($str, '"', $currPos);
   $pos2 = get_specific_quote_pos($str, "'", $currPos);
   if ($pos1 !== false) {
      if ($pos2 !== false && $pos1 > $pos2) {
        $type = "'";
        return $pos2;
      $type = '"';
      return $pos1;
   else if ($pos2 !== false) {
      $type = "'";
      return $pos2;

   return false;

function get_specific_quote_pos($str, $type, $currPos) {
   $pos = $currPos - 1; //because $fromPos = $pos + 1 and initial $fromPos must be currPos
   do {
     $fromPos = $pos + 1;
     $pos = strpos($str, $type, $fromPos);
   //iterate again if quote is escaped!
   while ($pos !== false && $pos > $currPos && $str[$pos-1] == '\\');
   return $pos;


   $str = 'hello ? ="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND mist="???" WHERE test=? AND dzo=?';
   echo replace_special('/\?/', '#', $str);


你好#= “是我你正在寻找\”?”和薄雾= “???” WHERE测试=#AND dzo =#



function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace, $with, $string){
    $result = '';
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\\\)"/';
    $outside = preg_split($pattern, $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($outside); ++$i) {
       $replaced = str_replace($replace, $with, $outside[$i]);
       if ($i != 0 && $i != count($outside) - 1) { //first and last are not inside quote
          $replaced = '"'.$replaced.'"';
       $result .= $replaced;
   return $result;
echo str_replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s', 'hello="is it me your are looking for\\"?" AND test=?');

Answer 5:


function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace, $with, $string){
    $result = '';
    $pattern = '/("[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*")' // hunt down unescaped double quotes
             . "|('[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*')/s"; // or single quotes
    $outside = array_filter(preg_split($pattern, $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE));
    while ($outside) {
        $result .= str_replace($replace, $with, array_shift($outside)) // outside quotes
                .  array_shift($outside); // inside quotes
    return $result;


我很快敲了一个没有正则表达式的方法。 它的工作原理,但我相信有一些优化技术可以做。

function str_replace_outside_quotes($replace, $with, $string){
    $string = str_split($string);
    $accumulation = '';
    $current_unquoted_string = null;
    $inside_quote = false;
    $quotes = array("'", '"');
    foreach($string as $char) {
        if ($char == $inside_quote && "\\" != substr($accumulation, -1)) {
            $inside_quote = false;
        } else if(false === $inside_quote && in_array($char, $quotes)) {
            $inside_quote = $char;

        if(false === $inside_quote) {
            $current_unquoted_string .= $char;
        } else {
            if(null !== $current_unquoted_string) {
                $accumulation .= str_replace($replace, $with, $current_unquoted_string);
                $current_unquoted_string = null;
            $accumulation .= $char;
    if(null !== $current_unquoted_string) {
        $accumulation .= str_replace($replace, $with, $current_unquoted_string);
        $current_unquoted_string = null;
    return $accumulation;

在我的基准测试所花费的正则表达式的方法的两倍以上的时间,当字符串长度的增加,正则表达式选项资源的使用不会受太大上去。 上述上线性文本馈送给它的长度另一方面增加的方法。

文章来源: How can I adapt my regex to allow for escaped quotes?